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  1. Triple DES library source
  2. Triple DES 알고리즘의 이해를 위한 예제 및 library
  3. [minzkn]
  4. Version 0.1
  5. 2006/04/15


미국 상무성의 국립표준국 (NBS, National Bureau os Standards) 에서 공모를 통하여 채택된 DES 암호화 알고리즘을 Library로 구현해보고 예제도 함께 만들어 봤습니다.

본 예제 및 library 의 최근 소스는 0 에서 다운로드 받을수 있습니다.


예제의 main.c 참고


 Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.
 All rights reserved.
 Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
 CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fTripleDES,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:38:32 root Exp root $"

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_source_main_c__)
#define __def_mzapi_source_main_c__ "main.c"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "mzdes.h"

static void mzapi_tdump(char *s_title, void *s_data, int s_size)
 int s_o,s_w,s_i;unsigned char s_b[17];
 (void)printf("%s:\n", s_title);
  s_w=((s_size)-s_o)<16?((s_size)-s_o):16;printf("%08X",s_o);for(s_i=0;s_i<s_w;s_i++){if(s_i==8)printf(" | ");else printf(" ");
  s_b[s_i]=*(((unsigned char *)(s_data))+s_o+s_i);printf("%02X",s_b[s_i]);if((s_b[s_i]&0x80)||(s_b[s_i]<' '))s_b[s_i]='.';}
  while(s_i<16){if(s_i==8)printf("     ");else printf("   ");s_b[s_i]=' ';s_i++;}
  printf(" [%s]\n",(char *)s_b);s_o+=16;}

static void test_des(void)
 unsigned char s_user_key[ __def_mzapi_des_user_key_size__ ];
 unsigned char s_round_key[ __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__ ]; /* (16 * 48) bytes */
 char s_data[] = {
  "DES encrypt/decrypt library/example source\n"
  "Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.\n"
  "All rights reserved.\n"
  "Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>\n"
 void *s_padding_data;
 int s_data_size, s_padding_data_size;

 (void)printf("\x1b[1;33mtest des\x1b[0m\n~~~~~~~~\n\n");

 /* password */
 (void)memset(&s_user_key[0], 0, sizeof(s_user_key));
 (void)strncpy(&s_user_key[0], "ABCDEFGH", sizeof(s_user_key));

 mzapi_tdump("user key", &s_user_key[0], sizeof(s_user_key));

 (void)mzapi_des_make_round_key(&s_round_key[0], &s_user_key[0]);
#if 1 /* show round key */
  int s_index0, s_index1, s_index2;
  (void)printf("round key:\n");
  for(s_index0 = 0;s_index0 < 16;s_index0++)
   (void)printf("[%2d] ", s_index0);
   for(s_index1 = 0;s_index1 < 48;s_index1 += 8)
    for(s_index2 = 0;s_index2 < 8;s_index2++)
      (unsigned int)s_round_key[s_index0 + s_index1 + s_index2]);
    (void)printf("b ");

 /* padding process */
 s_data_size = sizeof(s_data);
 s_padding_data_size = s_data_size + (__def_mzapi_des_block_size__ - 1);
 s_padding_data_size -= s_padding_data_size % __def_mzapi_des_block_size__;
 s_padding_data = malloc(s_padding_data_size);
 if(s_padding_data == NULL)
  (void)printf("allocate error !\n");
 (void)memcpy(s_padding_data, s_data, s_data_size);
 if((s_padding_data_size - s_data_size) > 0)
 { /* zero padding */
  (void)memset(__mzapi_peek_f__(void *, s_padding_data, s_data_size), 0, s_padding_data_size - s_data_size);

 mzapi_tdump("data", &s_data[0], s_data_size);

  mzapi_des_encrypt(s_padding_data, s_padding_data_size, &s_round_key[0]),

  mzapi_des_decrypt(s_padding_data, s_padding_data_size, &s_round_key[0]),

 free((void *)s_padding_data);

static void test_triple_des(void)
 unsigned char s_user_key[ __def_mzapi_3des_user_key_size__ ];
 unsigned char s_round_key[ __def_mzapi_3des_round_key_size__ ]; /* (16 * 48 * 3) bytes */
 char s_data[] = {
  "DES encrypt/decrypt library/example source\n"
  "Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.\n"
  "All rights reserved.\n"
  "Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>\n"
 void *s_padding_data;
 int s_data_size, s_padding_data_size;

 (void)printf("\x1b[1;33mtest triple des\x1b[0m\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n");

 /* password */
 (void)memset(&s_user_key[0], 0, sizeof(s_user_key));
 (void)strncpy(&s_user_key[0], "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX", sizeof(s_user_key));

 mzapi_tdump("user key", &s_user_key[0], sizeof(s_user_key));

 (void)mzapi_3des_make_round_key(&s_round_key[0], &s_user_key[0]);
#if 1 /* show round key */
  int s_index, s_index0, s_index1, s_index2;
  (void)printf("round key:\n");
  for(s_index = 0;s_index < 3;s_index++)
   for(s_index0 = 0;s_index0 < 16;s_index0++)
    (void)printf("[%d][%2d] ", s_index, s_index0);
    for(s_index1 = 0;s_index1 < 48;s_index1 += 8)
     for(s_index2 = 0;s_index2 < 8;s_index2++)
       (unsigned int)s_round_key[(s_index * __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__) + s_index0 + s_index1 + s_index2]);
     (void)printf("b ");

 /* padding process */
 s_data_size = sizeof(s_data);
 s_padding_data_size = s_data_size + (__def_mzapi_3des_block_size__ - 1);
 s_padding_data_size -= s_padding_data_size % __def_mzapi_3des_block_size__;
 s_padding_data = malloc(s_padding_data_size);
 if(s_padding_data == NULL)
  (void)printf("allocate error !\n");
 (void)memcpy(s_padding_data, s_data, s_data_size);
 if((s_padding_data_size - s_data_size) > 0)
 { /* zero padding */
  (void)memset(__mzapi_peek_f__(void *, s_padding_data, s_data_size), 0, s_padding_data_size - s_data_size);

 mzapi_tdump("data", &s_data[0], s_data_size);

  mzapi_3des_encrypt(s_padding_data, s_padding_data_size, &s_round_key[0]),

  mzapi_3des_decrypt(s_padding_data, s_padding_data_size, &s_round_key[0]),

 free((void *)s_padding_data);

int main(void)


/* vim: set expandtab: */
/* End of source */

 Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.
 All rights reserved.
 Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
 CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fTripleDES,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:38:32 root Exp root $"

 Triple-DES encryt/decrypt library

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_source_mzdes_c__)
#define __def_mzapi_source_mzdes_c__ "mzdes.c"

#include "mzdes.h"

#define __def_mzapi_des_rounds__                                     (16) /* 16=default rounds */

__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ __mzapi_des_block__)(__t_mzapi_int__ s_function, __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ __mzapi_3des_block__)(__t_mzapi_int__ s_function, __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);

__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_make_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_make_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);

/* initial permutation table */
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_int__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_des_ip_table__[2][64] = {
  57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,  9,  1, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11,  3,
  61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13,  5, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15,  7,
  56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16,  8,  0, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10,  2,
  60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12,  4, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14,  6
 { /* reverse */
  39,  7, 47, 15, 55, 23, 63, 31, 38,  6, 46, 14, 54, 22, 62, 30,
  37,  5, 45, 13, 53, 21, 61, 29, 36,  4, 44, 12, 52, 20, 60, 28,
  35,  3, 43, 11, 51, 19, 59, 27, 34,  2, 42, 10, 50, 18, 58, 26,
  33,  1, 41,  9, 49, 17, 57, 25, 32,  0, 40,  8, 48, 16, 56, 24

/* key permutation table */
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_int__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_des_kp_table__[56] = {
 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16,  8,  0, 57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,
  9,  1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10,  2, 59, 51, 43, 35,
 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14,  6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21,
 13,  5, 60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12,  4, 27, 19, 11,  3

/* key left shift table */
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_byte__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_des_kls_table__[16] = {
 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0

/* compression permutation table */
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_int__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_des_cp_table__[48] = {
 13, 16, 10, 23,  0,  4,  2, 27, 14,  5, 20,  9, 22, 18, 11,  3, 25,  7, 15,  6, 26, 19, 12,  1,
 40, 51, 30, 36, 46, 54, 29, 39, 50, 44, 32, 47, 43, 48, 38, 55, 33, 52, 45, 41, 49, 35, 28, 31

/* expansion permutation table */
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_int__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_des_ep_table__[48] = {
 31,  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,  0

/* S-Box substitution table */
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_byte__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_des_sbox_table__[8][4][16] = {
 { /* S1 */
  {14,  4, 13,  1,  2, 15, 11,  8,  3, 10,  6, 12,  5,  9,  0,  7},
  { 0, 15,  7,  4, 14,  2, 13,  1, 10,  6, 12, 11,  9,  5,  3,  8},
  { 4,  1, 14,  8, 13,  6,  2, 11, 15, 12,  9,  7,  3, 10,  5,  0},
  {15, 12,  8,  2,  4,  9,  1,  7,  5, 11,  3, 14, 10,  0,  6, 13}
 { /* S2 */
  {15,  1,  8, 14,  6, 11,  3,  4,  9,  7,  2, 13, 12,  0,  5, 10},
  { 3, 13,  4,  7, 15,  2,  8, 14, 12,  0,  1, 10,  6,  9, 11,  5},
  { 0, 14,  7, 11, 10,  4, 13,  1,  5,  8, 12,  6,  9,  3,  2, 15},
  {13,  8, 10,  1,  3, 15,  4,  2, 11,  6,  7, 12,  0,  5, 14,  9}
 { /* S3 */
  {10,  0,  9, 14,  6,  3, 15,  5,  1, 13, 12,  7, 11,  4,  2,  8},
  {13,  7,  0,  9,  3,  4,  6, 10,  2,  8,  5, 14, 12, 11, 15,  1},
  {13,  6,  4,  9,  8, 15,  3,  0, 11,  1,  2, 12,  5, 10, 14,  7},
  { 1, 10, 13,  0,  6,  9,  8,  7,  4, 15, 14,  3, 11,  5,  2, 12}
 { /* S4 */
  { 7, 13, 14,  3,  0,  6,  9, 10,  1,  2,  8,  5, 11, 12,  4, 15},
  {13,  8, 11,  5,  6, 15,  0,  3,  4,  7,  2, 12,  1, 10, 14,  9},
  {10,  6,  9,  0, 12, 11,  7, 13, 15,  1,  3, 14,  5,  2,  8,  4},
  { 3, 15,  0,  6, 10,  1, 13,  8,  9,  4,  5, 11, 12,  7,  2, 14}
 { /* S5 */
  { 2, 12,  4,  1,  7, 10, 11,  6,  8,  5,  3, 15, 13,  0, 14,  9},
  {14, 11,  2, 12,  4,  7, 13,  1,  5,  0, 15, 10,  3,  9,  8,  6},
  { 4,  2,  1, 11, 10, 13,  7,  8, 15,  9, 12,  5,  6,  3,  0, 14},
  {11,  8, 12,  7,  1, 14,  2, 13,  6, 15,  0,  9, 10,  4,  5,  3}
 { /* S6 */
  {12,  1, 10, 15,  9,  2,  6,  8,  0, 13,  3,  4, 14,  7,  5, 11},
  {10, 15,  4,  2,  7, 12,  9,  5,  6,  1, 13, 14,  0, 11,  3,  8},
  { 9, 14, 15,  5,  2,  8, 12,  3,  7,  0,  4, 10,  1, 13, 11,  6},
  { 4,  3,  2, 12,  9,  5, 15, 10, 11, 14,  1,  7,  6,  0,  8, 13}
 { /* S7 */
  { 4, 11,  2, 14, 15,  0,  8, 13,  3, 12,  9,  7,  5, 10,  6,  1},
  {13,  0, 11,  7,  4,  9,  1, 10, 14,  3,  5, 12,  2, 15,  8,  6},
  { 1,  4, 11, 13, 12,  3,  7, 14, 10, 15,  6,  8,  0,  5,  9,  2},
  { 6, 11, 13,  8,  1,  4, 10,  7,  9,  5,  0, 15, 14,  2,  3, 12}
 { /* S8 */
  {13,  2,  8,  4,  6, 15, 11,  1, 10,  9,  3, 14,  5,  0, 12,  7},
  { 1, 15, 13,  8, 10,  3,  7,  4, 12,  5,  6, 11,  0, 14,  9,  2},
  { 7, 11,  4,  1,  9, 12, 14,  2,  0,  6, 10, 13, 15,  3,  5,  8},
  { 2,  1, 14,  7,  4, 10,  8, 13, 15, 12,  9,  0,  3,  5,  6, 11}

/* P-Box permutation table */
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_int__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_des_pbox_table__[32] = {
 15,  6, 19, 20, 28, 11, 27, 16,  0, 14, 22, 25,  4, 17, 30,  9,
  1,  7, 23, 13, 31, 26,  2,  8, 18, 12, 29,  5, 21, 10,  3, 24

/* inline function : bit to byte */
#define __mzapi_des_bit_to_byte__(m_target,m_source,m_size) \
 do \
 { \
  __t_mzapi_byte__ *__sm_target__ = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(m_target), *__sm_source__ = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(m_source), __sm_byte__; \
  __t_mzapi_size__ __sm_size__ = ((__t_mzapi_size__)(m_size)) << 3, __sm_offset__ = (__t_mzapi_size__)0; \
  do \
  { \
   __sm_byte__ = __sm_source__[__sm_offset__ >> 3]; \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 7) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 6) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 5) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 4) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 3) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 2) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 1) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
   __sm_target__[__sm_offset__++] = (__sm_byte__ >> 0) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01); \
  }while(__sm_offset__ < __sm_size__); \

/* inline function : byte to bit */
#define __mzapi_des_byte_to_bit__(m_target,m_source,m_size) \
 do \
 { \
  __t_mzapi_byte__ *__sm_target__ = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(m_target), *__sm_source__ = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(m_source), __sm_byte__ = (__t_mzapi_byte__)0; \
  __t_mzapi_size__ __sm_size__ = (__t_mzapi_size__)(m_size), __sm_offset__ = (__t_mzapi_size__)0; \
  while(__sm_offset__ < __sm_size__) \
  { \
   __sm_byte__ = (__sm_byte__ << 1) | __sm_source__[__sm_offset__++]; \
   if((__sm_offset__ % ((__t_mzapi_size__)8)) != ((__t_mzapi_size__)0))continue; \
   __sm_target__[(__sm_offset__ - ((__t_mzapi_size__)1)) >> 3] = __sm_byte__; \
  } \

#define __def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__ ((__t_mzapi_int__)0)
#define __def_mzapi_des_decrypt_function__ ((__t_mzapi_int__)1)

__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ __mzapi_des_block__)(__t_mzapi_int__ s_function, __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 __t_mzapi_byte__ s_temp[64], s_ip[64], s_next_left[32], s_ep[48], *s_left, *s_right, *s_ep_ptr, s_value;
 __t_mzapi_int__ s_index, s_round;
 /* bit to byte */
 __mzapi_des_bit_to_byte__(&s_temp[0], s_data, 8);
 /* initial permutation */
 for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)64);s_index++)s_ip[s_index] = s_temp[__gc_mzapi_des_ip_table__[0][s_index]];
 /* left & right */
 if(s_function == __def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__)
  s_left = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(&s_ip[0]);
  s_right = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(&s_ip[32]);
  s_left = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(&s_ip[32]);
  s_right = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(&s_ip[0]);
 /* 16 round loop */
 for(s_round = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_round < ((__t_mzapi_int__)__def_mzapi_des_rounds__);s_round++)
  /* backup right(next left) */
  for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)32);s_index++)s_next_left[s_index] = s_right[s_index];
  /* expansion permutation with xor */
  if(s_function == __def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__)
   /* spinning direction key */
   for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)48);s_index++)
    s_ep[s_index] = s_right[__gc_mzapi_des_ep_table__[s_index]] ^ (*__mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_byte__ *, s_round_key, (s_round * ((__t_mzapi_int__)48)) + s_index));
   /* reverse direction key */
   for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)48);s_index++)
    s_ep[s_index] = s_right[__gc_mzapi_des_ep_table__[s_index]] ^ (*__mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_byte__ *, s_round_key, ((((__t_mzapi_int__)(__def_mzapi_des_rounds__ - 1)) - s_round) * ((__t_mzapi_int__)48)) + s_index));
  /* S-Box substitution */
  for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)8);s_index++)
   s_ep_ptr = (__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(&s_ep[s_index * ((__t_mzapi_int__)6)]);
   s_value = __gc_mzapi_des_sbox_table__[s_index][(s_ep_ptr[0] << 1) | s_ep_ptr[5]][(s_ep_ptr[1] << 3) | (s_ep_ptr[2] << 2) | (s_ep_ptr[3] << 1) | s_ep_ptr[4]];
   s_temp[(s_index << 2) + ((__t_mzapi_int__)0)] = (s_value >> 3) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01);
   s_temp[(s_index << 2) + ((__t_mzapi_int__)1)] = (s_value >> 2) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01);
   s_temp[(s_index << 2) + ((__t_mzapi_int__)2)] = (s_value >> 1) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01);
   s_temp[(s_index << 2) + ((__t_mzapi_int__)3)] = (s_value >> 0) & ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0x01);
  /* P-Box permutation */
  for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)32);s_index++)
   s_right[s_index] = s_temp[__gc_mzapi_des_pbox_table__[s_index]] ^ s_left[s_index];
   s_left[s_index] = s_next_left[s_index];
 /* merge left & right */
 if(s_function == __def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__)
  for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)32);s_index++)
   s_temp[s_index] = s_left[s_index];
   s_temp[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)32)] = s_right[s_index];
  for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)32);s_index++)
   s_temp[s_index] = s_right[s_index];
   s_temp[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)32)] = s_left[s_index];
 /* reverse initial permutation */
 for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)64);s_index++)s_ip[s_index] = s_temp[__gc_mzapi_des_ip_table__[1][s_index]];
 /* byte to bit */
 __mzapi_des_byte_to_bit__(s_data, &s_ip[0], 64);

__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ __mzapi_3des_block__)(__t_mzapi_int__ s_function, __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 if(s_function == __def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__)
  return(__mzapi_des_block__(s_function, __mzapi_des_block__(s_function, __mzapi_des_block__(s_function, s_data, s_round_key), __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_round_key, __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__)), __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_round_key, __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__ << 1))); }
 return(__mzapi_des_block__(s_function, __mzapi_des_block__(s_function, __mzapi_des_block__(s_function, s_data, __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_round_key, __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__ << 1)), __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_round_key, __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__)), s_round_key));

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_make_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key)
 __t_mzapi_byte__ s_temp[64], s_key56[56];
 __t_mzapi_int__ s_index, s_round;
 /* bit to byte */
 __mzapi_des_bit_to_byte__(&s_temp[0], s_user_key, 8);
 /* key permutation */
 for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)56);s_index++)s_key56[s_index] = s_temp[__gc_mzapi_des_kp_table__[s_index]];
 for(s_round = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_round < ((__t_mzapi_int__)__def_mzapi_des_rounds__);s_round++)
  if(__gc_mzapi_des_kls_table__[s_round] == ((__t_mzapi_byte__)0))
  { /* left (shift) rotate 1 */
   s_temp[0] = s_key56[0];
   s_temp[1] = s_key56[28];
   for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)27);s_index++)
    s_key56[s_index] = s_key56[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)1)];
    s_key56[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)28)] = s_key56[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)(28 + 1))];
   s_key56[27] = s_temp[0];
   s_key56[28 + 27] = s_temp[1];
  { /* left (shift) rotate 2 */
   s_temp[0] = s_key56[0];
   s_temp[1] = s_key56[1];
   s_temp[2] = s_key56[28];
   s_temp[3] = s_key56[28 + 1];
   for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)26);s_index++)
    s_key56[s_index] = s_key56[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)2)];
    s_key56[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)28)] = s_key56[s_index + ((__t_mzapi_int__)(28 + 2))];
   s_key56[26] = s_temp[0];
   s_key56[27] = s_temp[1];
   s_key56[28 + 26] = s_temp[2];
   s_key56[28 + 27] = s_temp[3];
  /* compression permutation */
  for(s_index = (__t_mzapi_int__)0;s_index < ((__t_mzapi_int__)48);s_index++)
   *__mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_byte__ *, s_round_key, (s_round * ((__t_mzapi_int__)48)) + s_index) = s_key56[__gc_mzapi_des_cp_table__[s_index]];

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 return(__mzapi_des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__, s_data, s_round_key));

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 return(__mzapi_des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_decrypt_function__, s_data, s_round_key));

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_offset = (__t_mzapi_size__)0;
 while((s_offset + ((__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_des_block_size__)) <= s_size)
  (__t_mzapi_void__)__mzapi_des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__, __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_data, s_offset), s_round_key);
  s_offset += (__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_des_block_size__;

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_offset = (__t_mzapi_size__)0;
 while((s_offset + ((__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_des_block_size__)) <= s_size)
  (__t_mzapi_void__)__mzapi_des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_decrypt_function__, __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_data, s_offset), s_round_key);
  s_offset += (__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_des_block_size__;

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_make_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key)
 (__t_mzapi_void__)mzapi_des_make_round_key(__mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_round_key, __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__ << 1), __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_user_key, __def_mzapi_des_user_key_size__ << 1));
 (__t_mzapi_void__)mzapi_des_make_round_key(__mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_round_key, __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__), __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_user_key, __def_mzapi_des_user_key_size__));
 return(mzapi_des_make_round_key(s_round_key, s_user_key));

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 return(__mzapi_3des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__, s_data, s_round_key));

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 return(__mzapi_3des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_decrypt_function__, s_data, s_round_key));

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key){
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_offset = (__t_mzapi_size__)0;
 while((s_offset + ((__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_3des_block_size__)) <= s_size)
  (__t_mzapi_void__)__mzapi_3des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_encrypt_function__, __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_data, s_offset), s_round_key);
  s_offset += (__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_3des_block_size__;

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key){
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_offset = (__t_mzapi_size__)0;
 while((s_offset + ((__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_3des_block_size__)) <= s_size)
  (__t_mzapi_void__)__mzapi_3des_block__(__def_mzapi_des_decrypt_function__, __mzapi_peek_f__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_data, s_offset), s_round_key);
  s_offset += (__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_3des_block_size__;


/* vim: set expandtab: */
/* End of source */

 Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.
 All rights reserved.
 Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
 CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fTripleDES,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:38:32 root Exp root $"

 Triple-DES encryt/decrypt library

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_header_mzdes_h__)
#define __def_mzapi_header_mzdes_h__ "mzdes.h"

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_dword__)
# define __t_mzapi_dword__ unsigned long int

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_byte__)
# define __t_mzapi_byte__ unsigned char

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_int__)
# define __t_mzapi_int__ int

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_void__)
# define __t_mzapi_void__ void

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_ptr__)
# define __t_mzapi_ptr__ __t_mzapi_void__ *

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_size__)
# define __t_mzapi_size__ unsigned int

#if !defined(__mzapi_const__)
# define __mzapi_const__ const

#if !defined(__mzapi_fastcall__)
# define __mzapi_fastcall__

#if !defined(__mzapi_static__)
# define __mzapi_static__ static

#if !defined(__mzapi_export__)
# define __mzapi_export__

#if !defined(__mzapi_import__)
# define __mzapi_import__ extern

#if !defined(__mzapi_peek_f__)
# define __mzapi_peek_f__(m_cast,m_base,m_offset) ((m_cast)(((__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(m_base)) + (m_offset)))

#define __def_mzapi_des_user_key_size__                              (8)
#define __def_mzapi_3des_user_key_size__                             (__def_mzapi_des_user_key_size__ * 3)
#define __def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__                             (48 << 4)
#define __def_mzapi_3des_round_key_size__                            (__def_mzapi_des_round_key_size__ * 3)
#define __def_mzapi_des_block_size__                                 (8)
#define __def_mzapi_3des_block_size__                                __def_mzapi_des_block_size__

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_source_mzdes_c__)
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_make_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_des_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_make_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_3des_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);

#if defined(__cplusplus)


/* vim: set expandtab: */
/* End of source */

# Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD
# All rights reserved.
# Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
# CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fTripleDES,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:38:32 root Exp root $"

# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=i386 all
# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=mips all
# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=ppc all
# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=arm all

TARGET_ARCH                  :=i386
# TARGET_ARCH                  :=mips
# TARGET_ARCH                  :=ppc
# TARGET_ARCH                  :=arm

ifeq ($(findstring mips,$(TARGET_ARCH)),mips)
 CROSS_COMPILE               ?=/opt/kenati/bin/lx4189-uclibc-#
ifeq ($(findstring ppc,$(TARGET_ARCH)),ppc)
 CROSS_COMPILE               ?=/opt/hardhat/devkit/ppc/405/bin/ppc_405-#
ifeq ($(findstring arm,$(TARGET_ARCH)),arm)
 CROSS_COMPILE               ?=/usr/local/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-#

# default
CROSS_COMPILE                ?=#

CC                           := $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc
AR                           := $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar
RM                           := rm -f

THIS_NAME                    := mzdes

CFLAGS                       := -O2
# CFLAGS                       += -g
CFLAGS                       += -Wall
CFLAGS                       += -Werror
CFLAGS                       += -fomit-frame-pointer
CFLAGS                       += -fPIC
CFLAGS                       += -pipe
CFLAGS                       += -ansi
CFLAGS                       += -I.

LDFLAGS                      := -s#
ARFLAGS                      := rc#

TARGET_bin                   := $(THIS_NAME)
TARGET_lib                   := lib$(THIS_NAME).a lib$(THIS_NAME).so
TARGET                       := $(TARGET_bin) $(TARGET_lib)

OBJECTS_bin                  := main.o
OBJECTS_lib                  := $(THIS_NAME).o
OBJECTS                      := $(OBJECTS_bin) $(OBJECTS_lib)

.PHONY: all clean

all: $(TARGET)
clean: ; $(RM) *.o $(TARGET)

$(TARGET_bin): $(OBJECTS_bin) lib$(THIS_NAME).a ; $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(@) $(^)
$(TARGET_lib): $(OBJECTS_lib)

$(OBJECTS): Makefile $(THIS_NAME).h    ; $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(@) $(^)
%.a:     ; $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(@) $(^)
%.o: %.c ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(@) $(<)

# End of Makefile

