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  1. SEED 블록 암호화 library/example
  2. 정보보호진흥원에서 개발한 SEED 알고리즘의 활용예
  3. [minzkn]
  4. Version 0.1
  5. 2006/04/07


정보보호진흥원(KISA) 에서 개발한 SEED 암호화 알고리즘을 library로 구현해보고 예제도 함께 만들어 봤습니다.

기본특징은 다음과 같습니다.
  1. 블록 크기 : 128 비트 (16 바이트)
2. 키 크기 : 128 비트 (16 바이트) 3. 구 조 : Feistel Network 4. 라운드 수 : 16

본 예제 및 library 의 최근 소스는 8 에서 다운로드 받을수 있습니다.

SEED에 대해서 좀더 알고싶으시다면 아래의 링크를 참고하세요. l


__mzapi_import t_mzapi_ptr (mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key); Round key 를 생성합니다. 이때 Round key 를 저장하기 위해서 32 * 4 크기를 갖는 배열이 필요합니다. 반환은 s_round_key 포인터를 반환합니다.

__mzapi_import t_mzapi_ptr (mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key); 4 * 4 크기의 블록을 Round key를 이용하여 암호화 합니다. 반환은 s_data 포인터를 반환합니다.

__mzapi_import t_mzapi_ptr (mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key); 4 * 4 크기의 암호화된 블록을 Round key를 이용하여 풀어냅니다. 반환은 s_data 포인터를 반환합니다.

__mzapi_import t_mzapi_ptr (mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key); 지정한 size 만큼을 암호화 합니다. 이때 16 byte 정렬 되도록 padding 을 삽입해 주어야 합니다. 반환은 s_data 포인터를 반환합니다.

__mzapi_import t_mzapi_ptr (mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key); 지정한 size 만큼을 해제합니다. 이때 size 는 암호시의 padding 까지 고려된 size를 말하며 실제 data size 는 별도로 참조할수 있도록 구현하셔야 합니다. 반환은 s_data 포인터를 반환합니다.


 Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.
 All rights reserved.
 Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
 CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fseed,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:40:43 root Exp root $"

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_source_main_c__)
#define __def_mzapi_source_main_c__ "main.c"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "mzseed.h"

#define __def_mzapi_show_round_key__ (0)

#if __def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ == (16)
__t_mzapi_byte__ __mzapi_const__ g_user_key[ __def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ ] = {
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
__t_mzapi_byte__ __mzapi_const__ g_user_key[ __def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ ] = {
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

void mzapi_dump(void *s_data, int s_size)
 int s_o,s_w,s_i;unsigned char s_b[17];
 if(((void *)(s_data))==NULL)return;s_b[16]='\0';s_o=(int)0;
  s_w=((s_size)-s_o)<16?((s_size)-s_o):16;printf("%08X",s_o);for(s_i=0;s_i<s_w;s_i++){if(s_i==8)printf(" | ");else printf(" ");
  s_b[s_i]=*(((unsigned char *)(s_data))+s_o+s_i);printf("%02X",s_b[s_i]);if((s_b[s_i]&0x80)||(s_b[s_i]<' '))s_b[s_i]='.';}
  while(s_i<16){if(s_i==8)printf("     ");else printf("   ");s_b[s_i]=' ';s_i++;}
  printf(" [%s]\n",(char *)s_b);s_o+=16;}

void test_seed_block(void)
 __t_mzapi_dword__ s_round_key[ __def_mzapi_seed_round_keys__ ];
 __t_mzapi_byte__ s_data[ __def_mzapi_seed_block_size__ ] = {
  0xf0, 0xe1, 0xd2, 0xc3, 0xb4, 0xa5, 0x96, 0x87,
  0x78, 0x69, 0x5a, 0x4b, 0x3c, 0x2d, 0x1e, 0x0f

 (void)printf("test seed block\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n");

 mzapi_dump((void *)(&g_user_key[0]), (int)sizeof(g_user_key));

 mzapi_dump(s_data, (int)sizeof(s_data));

 (__t_mzapi_void__)mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key((__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0]), (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&g_user_key[0]));

 mzapi_dump(mzapi_seed_encrypt_block((__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_data[0]), (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0])), (int)sizeof(s_data));

 mzapi_dump(mzapi_seed_decrypt_block((__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_data[0]), (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0])), (int)sizeof(s_data));

#if __def_mzapi_show_round_key__ != (0)
  int s_index;
  (void)printf("\nround key:\n");
  for(s_index = 0;s_index < sizeof(g_user_key);s_index++)
    "\tK%02d,0 : 0x%08lX\t"
    "K%02d,1 : 0x%08lX\n",
    s_index + 1, (unsigned long)s_round_key[s_index << 1],
    s_index + 1, (unsigned long)s_round_key[(s_index << 1) + 1]);


void test_seed_data_nopadding(void)
 __t_mzapi_dword__ s_round_key[ __def_mzapi_seed_round_keys__ ];
 __t_mzapi_byte__ s_data[] = {
  "SEED encrypt/decrypt library/example source\n"
  "Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.\n"
  "All rights reserved.\n"
  "Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>\n"
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_data_size;

 s_data_size = (__t_mzapi_size__)sizeof(s_data);

 (void)printf("test seed data\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n");

 mzapi_dump((void *)(&g_user_key[0]), (int)sizeof(g_user_key));

 mzapi_dump(s_data, (int)s_data_size);

 (__t_mzapi_void__)mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key((__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0]), (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&g_user_key[0]));

 mzapi_dump(mzapi_seed_encrypt((__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_data[0]), s_data_size, (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0])), (int)s_data_size);

 mzapi_dump(mzapi_seed_decrypt((__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_data[0]), s_data_size, (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0])), (int)s_data_size);

#if __def_mzapi_show_round_key__ != (0)
  int s_index;
  (void)printf("\nround key:\n");
  for(s_index = 0;s_index < sizeof(g_user_key);s_index++)
    "\tK%02d,0 : 0x%08lX\t"
    "K%02d,1 : 0x%08lX\n",
    s_index + 1, (unsigned long)s_round_key[s_index << 1],
    s_index + 1, (unsigned long)s_round_key[(s_index << 1) + 1]);


void test_seed_data_padding(void)
 __t_mzapi_dword__ s_round_key[ __def_mzapi_seed_round_keys__ ];
 __t_mzapi_byte__ s_data[] = {
  "SEED encrypt/decrypt library/example source\n"
  "Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.\n"
  "All rights reserved.\n"
  "Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>\n"
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_data_size;
 __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_padding_data;
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_padding_data_size;

 s_data_size = (__t_mzapi_size__)sizeof(s_data);

 (void)printf("test seed data padding\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n");

 s_padding_data_size = s_data_size + ((__t_mzapi_size__)(__def_mzapi_seed_block_size__ - 1));
 s_padding_data_size -= s_padding_data_size % ((__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_seed_block_size__);
 s_padding_data = (__t_mzapi_ptr__)malloc((size_t)s_padding_data_size);
 if(s_padding_data == ((__t_mzapi_ptr__)0))
  (void)printf("allocate error !\n");
 (void)memcpy((void *)s_padding_data, (void *)s_data, (size_t)s_data_size);
 if((s_padding_data_size - s_data_size) > ((__t_mzapi_size__)0))
 { /* zero padding */
  (void)memset(__mzapi_seed_peek__(void *, s_padding_data, s_data_size), 0, (size_t)(s_padding_data_size - s_data_size));

 mzapi_dump((void *)(&g_user_key[0]), (int)sizeof(g_user_key));

 mzapi_dump(s_data, (int)s_data_size);

 (__t_mzapi_void__)mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key((__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0]), (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&g_user_key[0]));

 mzapi_dump(mzapi_seed_encrypt(s_padding_data, s_padding_data_size, (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0])), (int)s_padding_data_size);

 mzapi_dump(mzapi_seed_decrypt(s_padding_data, s_padding_data_size, (__t_mzapi_ptr__)(&s_round_key[0])), (int)s_data_size);

#if __def_mzapi_show_round_key__ != (0)
  int s_index;
  (void)printf("\nround key:\n");
  for(s_index = 0;s_index < sizeof(g_user_key);s_index++)
    "\tK%02d,0 : 0x%08lX\t"
    "K%02d,1 : 0x%08lX\n",
    s_index + 1, (unsigned long)s_round_key[s_index << 1],
    s_index + 1, (unsigned long)s_round_key[(s_index << 1) + 1]);


 free((void *)s_padding_data);

int main(void)
 return 0;


/* vim: set expandtab: */
/* End of source */

 Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.
 All rights reserved.
 Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
 CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fseed,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:40:43 root Exp root $"

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_source_mzseed_c__)
#define __def_mzapi_source_mzseed_c__ "mzseed.c"

#include "mzseed.h"

__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_export__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);

__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_byte__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_seed_order__[ sizeof(int) ] = {1, 0, };
__mzapi_static__ __t_mzapi_dword__ __mzapi_const__ __gc_mzapi_seed_ss_box__[4][256] = {
 { /* SS-box #0 */
  0x2989a1a8, 0x05858184, 0x16c6d2d4, 0x13c3d3d0, 0x14445054, 0x1d0d111c, 0x2c8ca0ac, 0x25052124,
  0x1d4d515c, 0x03434340, 0x18081018, 0x1e0e121c, 0x11415150, 0x3cccf0fc, 0x0acac2c8, 0x23436360,
  0x28082028, 0x04444044, 0x20002020, 0x1d8d919c, 0x20c0e0e0, 0x22c2e2e0, 0x08c8c0c8, 0x17071314,
  0x2585a1a4, 0x0f8f838c, 0x03030300, 0x3b4b7378, 0x3b8bb3b8, 0x13031310, 0x12c2d2d0, 0x2ecee2ec,
  0x30407070, 0x0c8c808c, 0x3f0f333c, 0x2888a0a8, 0x32023230, 0x1dcdd1dc, 0x36c6f2f4, 0x34447074,
  0x2ccce0ec, 0x15859194, 0x0b0b0308, 0x17475354, 0x1c4c505c, 0x1b4b5358, 0x3d8db1bc, 0x01010100,
  0x24042024, 0x1c0c101c, 0x33437370, 0x18889098, 0x10001010, 0x0cccc0cc, 0x32c2f2f0, 0x19c9d1d8,
  0x2c0c202c, 0x27c7e3e4, 0x32427270, 0x03838380, 0x1b8b9398, 0x11c1d1d0, 0x06868284, 0x09c9c1c8,
  0x20406060, 0x10405050, 0x2383a3a0, 0x2bcbe3e8, 0x0d0d010c, 0x3686b2b4, 0x1e8e929c, 0x0f4f434c,
  0x3787b3b4, 0x1a4a5258, 0x06c6c2c4, 0x38487078, 0x2686a2a4, 0x12021210, 0x2f8fa3ac, 0x15c5d1d4,
  0x21416160, 0x03c3c3c0, 0x3484b0b4, 0x01414140, 0x12425250, 0x3d4d717c, 0x0d8d818c, 0x08080008,
  0x1f0f131c, 0x19899198, 0x00000000, 0x19091118, 0x04040004, 0x13435350, 0x37c7f3f4, 0x21c1e1e0,
  0x3dcdf1fc, 0x36467274, 0x2f0f232c, 0x27072324, 0x3080b0b0, 0x0b8b8388, 0x0e0e020c, 0x2b8ba3a8,
  0x2282a2a0, 0x2e4e626c, 0x13839390, 0x0d4d414c, 0x29496168, 0x3c4c707c, 0x09090108, 0x0a0a0208,
  0x3f8fb3bc, 0x2fcfe3ec, 0x33c3f3f0, 0x05c5c1c4, 0x07878384, 0x14041014, 0x3ecef2fc, 0x24446064,
  0x1eced2dc, 0x2e0e222c, 0x0b4b4348, 0x1a0a1218, 0x06060204, 0x21012120, 0x2b4b6368, 0x26466264,
  0x02020200, 0x35c5f1f4, 0x12829290, 0x0a8a8288, 0x0c0c000c, 0x3383b3b0, 0x3e4e727c, 0x10c0d0d0,
  0x3a4a7278, 0x07474344, 0x16869294, 0x25c5e1e4, 0x26062224, 0x00808080, 0x2d8da1ac, 0x1fcfd3dc,
  0x2181a1a0, 0x30003030, 0x37073334, 0x2e8ea2ac, 0x36063234, 0x15051114, 0x22022220, 0x38083038,
  0x34c4f0f4, 0x2787a3a4, 0x05454144, 0x0c4c404c, 0x01818180, 0x29c9e1e8, 0x04848084, 0x17879394,
  0x35053134, 0x0bcbc3c8, 0x0ecec2cc, 0x3c0c303c, 0x31417170, 0x11011110, 0x07c7c3c4, 0x09898188,
  0x35457174, 0x3bcbf3f8, 0x1acad2d8, 0x38c8f0f8, 0x14849094, 0x19495158, 0x02828280, 0x04c4c0c4,
  0x3fcff3fc, 0x09494148, 0x39093138, 0x27476364, 0x00c0c0c0, 0x0fcfc3cc, 0x17c7d3d4, 0x3888b0b8,
  0x0f0f030c, 0x0e8e828c, 0x02424240, 0x23032320, 0x11819190, 0x2c4c606c, 0x1bcbd3d8, 0x2484a0a4,
  0x34043034, 0x31c1f1f0, 0x08484048, 0x02c2c2c0, 0x2f4f636c, 0x3d0d313c, 0x2d0d212c, 0x00404040,
  0x3e8eb2bc, 0x3e0e323c, 0x3c8cb0bc, 0x01c1c1c0, 0x2a8aa2a8, 0x3a8ab2b8, 0x0e4e424c, 0x15455154,
  0x3b0b3338, 0x1cccd0dc, 0x28486068, 0x3f4f737c, 0x1c8c909c, 0x18c8d0d8, 0x0a4a4248, 0x16465254,
  0x37477374, 0x2080a0a0, 0x2dcde1ec, 0x06464244, 0x3585b1b4, 0x2b0b2328, 0x25456164, 0x3acaf2f8,
  0x23c3e3e0, 0x3989b1b8, 0x3181b1b0, 0x1f8f939c, 0x1e4e525c, 0x39c9f1f8, 0x26c6e2e4, 0x3282b2b0,
  0x31013130, 0x2acae2e8, 0x2d4d616c, 0x1f4f535c, 0x24c4e0e4, 0x30c0f0f0, 0x0dcdc1cc, 0x08888088,
  0x16061214, 0x3a0a3238, 0x18485058, 0x14c4d0d4, 0x22426260, 0x29092128, 0x07070304, 0x33033330,
  0x28c8e0e8, 0x1b0b1318, 0x05050104, 0x39497178, 0x10809090, 0x2a4a6268, 0x2a0a2228, 0x1a8a9298
 { /* SS-box #1 */
  0x38380830, 0xe828c8e0, 0x2c2d0d21, 0xa42686a2, 0xcc0fcfc3, 0xdc1eced2, 0xb03383b3, 0xb83888b0,
  0xac2f8fa3, 0x60204060, 0x54154551, 0xc407c7c3, 0x44044440, 0x6c2f4f63, 0x682b4b63, 0x581b4b53,
  0xc003c3c3, 0x60224262, 0x30330333, 0xb43585b1, 0x28290921, 0xa02080a0, 0xe022c2e2, 0xa42787a3,
  0xd013c3d3, 0x90118191, 0x10110111, 0x04060602, 0x1c1c0c10, 0xbc3c8cb0, 0x34360632, 0x480b4b43,
  0xec2fcfe3, 0x88088880, 0x6c2c4c60, 0xa82888a0, 0x14170713, 0xc404c4c0, 0x14160612, 0xf434c4f0,
  0xc002c2c2, 0x44054541, 0xe021c1e1, 0xd416c6d2, 0x3c3f0f33, 0x3c3d0d31, 0x8c0e8e82, 0x98188890,
  0x28280820, 0x4c0e4e42, 0xf436c6f2, 0x3c3e0e32, 0xa42585a1, 0xf839c9f1, 0x0c0d0d01, 0xdc1fcfd3,
  0xd818c8d0, 0x282b0b23, 0x64264662, 0x783a4a72, 0x24270723, 0x2c2f0f23, 0xf031c1f1, 0x70324272,
  0x40024242, 0xd414c4d0, 0x40014141, 0xc000c0c0, 0x70334373, 0x64274763, 0xac2c8ca0, 0x880b8b83,
  0xf437c7f3, 0xac2d8da1, 0x80008080, 0x1c1f0f13, 0xc80acac2, 0x2c2c0c20, 0xa82a8aa2, 0x34340430,
  0xd012c2d2, 0x080b0b03, 0xec2ecee2, 0xe829c9e1, 0x5c1d4d51, 0x94148490, 0x18180810, 0xf838c8f0,
  0x54174753, 0xac2e8ea2, 0x08080800, 0xc405c5c1, 0x10130313, 0xcc0dcdc1, 0x84068682, 0xb83989b1,
  0xfc3fcff3, 0x7c3d4d71, 0xc001c1c1, 0x30310131, 0xf435c5f1, 0x880a8a82, 0x682a4a62, 0xb03181b1,
  0xd011c1d1, 0x20200020, 0xd417c7d3, 0x00020202, 0x20220222, 0x04040400, 0x68284860, 0x70314171,
  0x04070703, 0xd81bcbd3, 0x9c1d8d91, 0x98198991, 0x60214161, 0xbc3e8eb2, 0xe426c6e2, 0x58194951,
  0xdc1dcdd1, 0x50114151, 0x90108090, 0xdc1cccd0, 0x981a8a92, 0xa02383a3, 0xa82b8ba3, 0xd010c0d0,
  0x80018181, 0x0c0f0f03, 0x44074743, 0x181a0a12, 0xe023c3e3, 0xec2ccce0, 0x8c0d8d81, 0xbc3f8fb3,
  0x94168692, 0x783b4b73, 0x5c1c4c50, 0xa02282a2, 0xa02181a1, 0x60234363, 0x20230323, 0x4c0d4d41,
  0xc808c8c0, 0x9c1e8e92, 0x9c1c8c90, 0x383a0a32, 0x0c0c0c00, 0x2c2e0e22, 0xb83a8ab2, 0x6c2e4e62,
  0x9c1f8f93, 0x581a4a52, 0xf032c2f2, 0x90128292, 0xf033c3f3, 0x48094941, 0x78384870, 0xcc0cccc0,
  0x14150511, 0xf83bcbf3, 0x70304070, 0x74354571, 0x7c3f4f73, 0x34350531, 0x10100010, 0x00030303,
  0x64244460, 0x6c2d4d61, 0xc406c6c2, 0x74344470, 0xd415c5d1, 0xb43484b0, 0xe82acae2, 0x08090901,
  0x74364672, 0x18190911, 0xfc3ecef2, 0x40004040, 0x10120212, 0xe020c0e0, 0xbc3d8db1, 0x04050501,
  0xf83acaf2, 0x00010101, 0xf030c0f0, 0x282a0a22, 0x5c1e4e52, 0xa82989a1, 0x54164652, 0x40034343,
  0x84058581, 0x14140410, 0x88098981, 0x981b8b93, 0xb03080b0, 0xe425c5e1, 0x48084840, 0x78394971,
  0x94178793, 0xfc3cccf0, 0x1c1e0e12, 0x80028282, 0x20210121, 0x8c0c8c80, 0x181b0b13, 0x5c1f4f53,
  0x74374773, 0x54144450, 0xb03282b2, 0x1c1d0d11, 0x24250521, 0x4c0f4f43, 0x00000000, 0x44064642,
  0xec2dcde1, 0x58184850, 0x50124252, 0xe82bcbe3, 0x7c3e4e72, 0xd81acad2, 0xc809c9c1, 0xfc3dcdf1,
  0x30300030, 0x94158591, 0x64254561, 0x3c3c0c30, 0xb43686b2, 0xe424c4e0, 0xb83b8bb3, 0x7c3c4c70,
  0x0c0e0e02, 0x50104050, 0x38390931, 0x24260622, 0x30320232, 0x84048480, 0x68294961, 0x90138393,
  0x34370733, 0xe427c7e3, 0x24240420, 0xa42484a0, 0xc80bcbc3, 0x50134353, 0x080a0a02, 0x84078783,
  0xd819c9d1, 0x4c0c4c40, 0x80038383, 0x8c0f8f83, 0xcc0ecec2, 0x383b0b33, 0x480a4a42, 0xb43787b3
 { /* SS-box #2 */
  0xa1a82989, 0x81840585, 0xd2d416c6, 0xd3d013c3, 0x50541444, 0x111c1d0d, 0xa0ac2c8c, 0x21242505,
  0x515c1d4d, 0x43400343, 0x10181808, 0x121c1e0e, 0x51501141, 0xf0fc3ccc, 0xc2c80aca, 0x63602343,
  0x20282808, 0x40440444, 0x20202000, 0x919c1d8d, 0xe0e020c0, 0xe2e022c2, 0xc0c808c8, 0x13141707,
  0xa1a42585, 0x838c0f8f, 0x03000303, 0x73783b4b, 0xb3b83b8b, 0x13101303, 0xd2d012c2, 0xe2ec2ece,
  0x70703040, 0x808c0c8c, 0x333c3f0f, 0xa0a82888, 0x32303202, 0xd1dc1dcd, 0xf2f436c6, 0x70743444,
  0xe0ec2ccc, 0x91941585, 0x03080b0b, 0x53541747, 0x505c1c4c, 0x53581b4b, 0xb1bc3d8d, 0x01000101,
  0x20242404, 0x101c1c0c, 0x73703343, 0x90981888, 0x10101000, 0xc0cc0ccc, 0xf2f032c2, 0xd1d819c9,
  0x202c2c0c, 0xe3e427c7, 0x72703242, 0x83800383, 0x93981b8b, 0xd1d011c1, 0x82840686, 0xc1c809c9,
  0x60602040, 0x50501040, 0xa3a02383, 0xe3e82bcb, 0x010c0d0d, 0xb2b43686, 0x929c1e8e, 0x434c0f4f,
  0xb3b43787, 0x52581a4a, 0xc2c406c6, 0x70783848, 0xa2a42686, 0x12101202, 0xa3ac2f8f, 0xd1d415c5,
  0x61602141, 0xc3c003c3, 0xb0b43484, 0x41400141, 0x52501242, 0x717c3d4d, 0x818c0d8d, 0x00080808,
  0x131c1f0f, 0x91981989, 0x00000000, 0x11181909, 0x00040404, 0x53501343, 0xf3f437c7, 0xe1e021c1,
  0xf1fc3dcd, 0x72743646, 0x232c2f0f, 0x23242707, 0xb0b03080, 0x83880b8b, 0x020c0e0e, 0xa3a82b8b,
  0xa2a02282, 0x626c2e4e, 0x93901383, 0x414c0d4d, 0x61682949, 0x707c3c4c, 0x01080909, 0x02080a0a,
  0xb3bc3f8f, 0xe3ec2fcf, 0xf3f033c3, 0xc1c405c5, 0x83840787, 0x10141404, 0xf2fc3ece, 0x60642444,
  0xd2dc1ece, 0x222c2e0e, 0x43480b4b, 0x12181a0a, 0x02040606, 0x21202101, 0x63682b4b, 0x62642646,
  0x02000202, 0xf1f435c5, 0x92901282, 0x82880a8a, 0x000c0c0c, 0xb3b03383, 0x727c3e4e, 0xd0d010c0,
  0x72783a4a, 0x43440747, 0x92941686, 0xe1e425c5, 0x22242606, 0x80800080, 0xa1ac2d8d, 0xd3dc1fcf,
  0xa1a02181, 0x30303000, 0x33343707, 0xa2ac2e8e, 0x32343606, 0x11141505, 0x22202202, 0x30383808,
  0xf0f434c4, 0xa3a42787, 0x41440545, 0x404c0c4c, 0x81800181, 0xe1e829c9, 0x80840484, 0x93941787,
  0x31343505, 0xc3c80bcb, 0xc2cc0ece, 0x303c3c0c, 0x71703141, 0x11101101, 0xc3c407c7, 0x81880989,
  0x71743545, 0xf3f83bcb, 0xd2d81aca, 0xf0f838c8, 0x90941484, 0x51581949, 0x82800282, 0xc0c404c4,
  0xf3fc3fcf, 0x41480949, 0x31383909, 0x63642747, 0xc0c000c0, 0xc3cc0fcf, 0xd3d417c7, 0xb0b83888,
  0x030c0f0f, 0x828c0e8e, 0x42400242, 0x23202303, 0x91901181, 0x606c2c4c, 0xd3d81bcb, 0xa0a42484,
  0x30343404, 0xf1f031c1, 0x40480848, 0xc2c002c2, 0x636c2f4f, 0x313c3d0d, 0x212c2d0d, 0x40400040,
  0xb2bc3e8e, 0x323c3e0e, 0xb0bc3c8c, 0xc1c001c1, 0xa2a82a8a, 0xb2b83a8a, 0x424c0e4e, 0x51541545,
  0x33383b0b, 0xd0dc1ccc, 0x60682848, 0x737c3f4f, 0x909c1c8c, 0xd0d818c8, 0x42480a4a, 0x52541646,
  0x73743747, 0xa0a02080, 0xe1ec2dcd, 0x42440646, 0xb1b43585, 0x23282b0b, 0x61642545, 0xf2f83aca,
  0xe3e023c3, 0xb1b83989, 0xb1b03181, 0x939c1f8f, 0x525c1e4e, 0xf1f839c9, 0xe2e426c6, 0xb2b03282,
  0x31303101, 0xe2e82aca, 0x616c2d4d, 0x535c1f4f, 0xe0e424c4, 0xf0f030c0, 0xc1cc0dcd, 0x80880888,
  0x12141606, 0x32383a0a, 0x50581848, 0xd0d414c4, 0x62602242, 0x21282909, 0x03040707, 0x33303303,
  0xe0e828c8, 0x13181b0b, 0x01040505, 0x71783949, 0x90901080, 0x62682a4a, 0x22282a0a, 0x92981a8a
 { /* SS-box #3 */
  0x08303838, 0xc8e0e828, 0x0d212c2d, 0x86a2a426, 0xcfc3cc0f, 0xced2dc1e, 0x83b3b033, 0x88b0b838,
  0x8fa3ac2f, 0x40606020, 0x45515415, 0xc7c3c407, 0x44404404, 0x4f636c2f, 0x4b63682b, 0x4b53581b,
  0xc3c3c003, 0x42626022, 0x03333033, 0x85b1b435, 0x09212829, 0x80a0a020, 0xc2e2e022, 0x87a3a427,
  0xc3d3d013, 0x81919011, 0x01111011, 0x06020406, 0x0c101c1c, 0x8cb0bc3c, 0x06323436, 0x4b43480b,
  0xcfe3ec2f, 0x88808808, 0x4c606c2c, 0x88a0a828, 0x07131417, 0xc4c0c404, 0x06121416, 0xc4f0f434,
  0xc2c2c002, 0x45414405, 0xc1e1e021, 0xc6d2d416, 0x0f333c3f, 0x0d313c3d, 0x8e828c0e, 0x88909818,
  0x08202828, 0x4e424c0e, 0xc6f2f436, 0x0e323c3e, 0x85a1a425, 0xc9f1f839, 0x0d010c0d, 0xcfd3dc1f,
  0xc8d0d818, 0x0b23282b, 0x46626426, 0x4a72783a, 0x07232427, 0x0f232c2f, 0xc1f1f031, 0x42727032,
  0x42424002, 0xc4d0d414, 0x41414001, 0xc0c0c000, 0x43737033, 0x47636427, 0x8ca0ac2c, 0x8b83880b,
  0xc7f3f437, 0x8da1ac2d, 0x80808000, 0x0f131c1f, 0xcac2c80a, 0x0c202c2c, 0x8aa2a82a, 0x04303434,
  0xc2d2d012, 0x0b03080b, 0xcee2ec2e, 0xc9e1e829, 0x4d515c1d, 0x84909414, 0x08101818, 0xc8f0f838,
  0x47535417, 0x8ea2ac2e, 0x08000808, 0xc5c1c405, 0x03131013, 0xcdc1cc0d, 0x86828406, 0x89b1b839,
  0xcff3fc3f, 0x4d717c3d, 0xc1c1c001, 0x01313031, 0xc5f1f435, 0x8a82880a, 0x4a62682a, 0x81b1b031,
  0xc1d1d011, 0x00202020, 0xc7d3d417, 0x02020002, 0x02222022, 0x04000404, 0x48606828, 0x41717031,
  0x07030407, 0xcbd3d81b, 0x8d919c1d, 0x89919819, 0x41616021, 0x8eb2bc3e, 0xc6e2e426, 0x49515819,
  0xcdd1dc1d, 0x41515011, 0x80909010, 0xccd0dc1c, 0x8a92981a, 0x83a3a023, 0x8ba3a82b, 0xc0d0d010,
  0x81818001, 0x0f030c0f, 0x47434407, 0x0a12181a, 0xc3e3e023, 0xcce0ec2c, 0x8d818c0d, 0x8fb3bc3f,
  0x86929416, 0x4b73783b, 0x4c505c1c, 0x82a2a022, 0x81a1a021, 0x43636023, 0x03232023, 0x4d414c0d,
  0xc8c0c808, 0x8e929c1e, 0x8c909c1c, 0x0a32383a, 0x0c000c0c, 0x0e222c2e, 0x8ab2b83a, 0x4e626c2e,
  0x8f939c1f, 0x4a52581a, 0xc2f2f032, 0x82929012, 0xc3f3f033, 0x49414809, 0x48707838, 0xccc0cc0c,
  0x05111415, 0xcbf3f83b, 0x40707030, 0x45717435, 0x4f737c3f, 0x05313435, 0x00101010, 0x03030003,
  0x44606424, 0x4d616c2d, 0xc6c2c406, 0x44707434, 0xc5d1d415, 0x84b0b434, 0xcae2e82a, 0x09010809,
  0x46727436, 0x09111819, 0xcef2fc3e, 0x40404000, 0x02121012, 0xc0e0e020, 0x8db1bc3d, 0x05010405,
  0xcaf2f83a, 0x01010001, 0xc0f0f030, 0x0a22282a, 0x4e525c1e, 0x89a1a829, 0x46525416, 0x43434003,
  0x85818405, 0x04101414, 0x89818809, 0x8b93981b, 0x80b0b030, 0xc5e1e425, 0x48404808, 0x49717839,
  0x87939417, 0xccf0fc3c, 0x0e121c1e, 0x82828002, 0x01212021, 0x8c808c0c, 0x0b13181b, 0x4f535c1f,
  0x47737437, 0x44505414, 0x82b2b032, 0x0d111c1d, 0x05212425, 0x4f434c0f, 0x00000000, 0x46424406,
  0xcde1ec2d, 0x48505818, 0x42525012, 0xcbe3e82b, 0x4e727c3e, 0xcad2d81a, 0xc9c1c809, 0xcdf1fc3d,
  0x00303030, 0x85919415, 0x45616425, 0x0c303c3c, 0x86b2b436, 0xc4e0e424, 0x8bb3b83b, 0x4c707c3c,
  0x0e020c0e, 0x40505010, 0x09313839, 0x06222426, 0x02323032, 0x84808404, 0x49616829, 0x83939013,
  0x07333437, 0xc7e3e427, 0x04202424, 0x84a0a424, 0xcbc3c80b, 0x43535013, 0x0a02080a, 0x87838407,
  0xc9d1d819, 0x4c404c0c, 0x83838003, 0x8f838c0f, 0xcec2cc0e, 0x0b33383b, 0x4a42480a, 0x87b3b437

#define __mzapi_seed_swap32__(m_value) \
 do \
 { \
  m_value = ((((m_value) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((m_value) & 0x00ff0000) >>  8) | \
             (((m_value) & 0x0000ff00) <<  8) | (((m_value) & 0x000000ff) << 24)); \
#define __mzapi_seed_roll__(m_value,m_count) (((m_value) << ((m_count) % 32)) | ((m_value) >> (32 - ((m_count) % 32))))
#define __mzapi_seed_byte_from_dword__(m_value,m_shift) ((__t_mzapi_byte__)((m_value) >> (m_shift)))

  constants for key schedule

   __def_mzapi_seed_kc_0__ = golden ratio;
   __def_mzapi_seed_kc_[x]__ = roll(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_[x - 1]__, 1);
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__ ((__t_mzapi_dword__)0x9e3779b9)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_0__    __def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_1__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 1)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_2__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 2)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_3__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 3)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_4__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 4)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_5__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 5)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_6__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 6)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_7__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 7)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_8__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 8)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_9__    __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__, 9)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_10__   __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__,10)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_11__   __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__,11)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_12__   __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__,12)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_13__   __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__,13)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_14__   __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__,14)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_kc_15__   __mzapi_seed_roll__(__def_mzapi_seed_kc_base__,15)

#define __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_value) \
 (__gc_mzapi_seed_ss_box__[0][__mzapi_seed_byte_from_dword__(m_value, 0)] ^ \
  __gc_mzapi_seed_ss_box__[1][__mzapi_seed_byte_from_dword__(m_value, 8)] ^ \
  __gc_mzapi_seed_ss_box__[2][__mzapi_seed_byte_from_dword__(m_value,16)] ^ \

#define __mzapi_seed_round__(m_temp0,m_temp1,m_left0,m_left1,m_right0,m_right1,m_key) \
 do \
 { \
  m_temp0 = (m_right0) ^ (m_key)[0]; \
  m_temp1 = (m_right1) ^ (m_key)[1]; \
  m_temp1 ^= m_temp0; \
  m_temp1 = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_temp1); \
  m_temp0 += m_temp1; \
  m_temp0 = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_temp0); \
  m_temp1 += m_temp0; \
  m_temp1 = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_temp1); \
  m_temp0 += m_temp1; \
  m_left0 ^= m_temp0; \
  m_left1 ^= m_temp1; \

#define __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(m_temp0,m_temp1,m_key,m_a,m_b,m_c,m_d,m_kc) \
 do \
 { \
  m_temp0 = m_a; \
  m_a = ((m_a) >> 8) ^ ((m_b) << 24); \
  m_b = ((m_b) >> 8) ^ ((m_temp0) << 24); \
  m_temp0 = (m_a) + (m_c) - (m_kc); \
  m_temp1 = (m_b) + (m_kc) - (m_d); \
  (m_key)[0] = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_temp0); \
  (m_key)[1] = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_temp1); \

#define __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(m_temp0,m_temp1,m_key,m_a,m_b,m_c,m_d,m_kc) \
 do \
 { \
  m_temp0 = m_c; \
  m_c = ((m_c) << 8) ^ ((m_d) >> 24); \
  m_d = ((m_d) << 8) ^ ((m_temp0) >> 24); \
  m_temp0 = (m_a) + (m_c) - (m_kc); \
  m_temp1 = (m_b) + (m_kc) - (m_d); \
  (m_key)[0] = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_temp0); \
  (m_key)[1] = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(m_temp1); \

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key)
 __t_mzapi_dword__ s_temp0, s_temp1, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d;
 __t_mzapi_dword__ *s_key;
 s_key = (__t_mzapi_dword__ *)s_round_key;
 s_a = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_user_key, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 0);
 s_b = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_user_key, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 1);
 s_c = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_user_key, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 2);
 s_d = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_user_key, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 3);
 if(*((int *)(&__gc_mzapi_seed_order__[0])) == 1)
 /*  1 */
 s_temp0 = s_a + s_c - __def_mzapi_seed_kc_0__;
 s_temp1 = s_b - s_d + __def_mzapi_seed_kc_0__;
 s_key[0] = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(s_temp0);
 s_key[1] = __mzapi_seed_ss_box__(s_temp1);
 /*  2 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key +  2, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_1__);
 /*  3 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key +  4, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_2__);
 /*  4 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key +  6, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_3__);
 /*  5 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key +  8, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_4__);
 /*  6 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 10, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_5__);
 /*  7 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 12, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_6__);
 /*  8 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 14, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_7__);
 /*  9 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 16, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_8__);
 /* 10 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 18, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_9__);
 /* 11 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 20, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_10__);
 /* 12 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 22, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_11__);
#if __def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ == (16)
 /* 13 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 24, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_12__);
 /* 14 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 26, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_13__);
 /* 15 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_1__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 28, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_14__);
 /* 16 */ __mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key_update_0__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_key + 30, s_a, s_b, s_c, s_d, __def_mzapi_seed_kc_15__);

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 __t_mzapi_dword__ s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0, s_left1, s_right0, s_right1;
 __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_dword__ *s_key;
 s_key = (__t_mzapi_dword__ *)s_round_key;
 s_left0 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 0);
 s_left1 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 1);
 s_right0 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 2);
 s_right1 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 3);
 if(*((int *)(&__gc_mzapi_seed_order__[0])) == 1)
 /*  1 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key +  0);
 /*  2 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key +  2);
 /*  3 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key +  4);
 /*  4 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key +  6);
 /*  5 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key +  8);
 /*  6 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 10);
 /*  7 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 12);
 /*  8 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 14);
 /*  9 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 16);
 /* 10 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 18);
 /* 11 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 20);
 /* 12 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 22);
#if __def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ == (16)
 /* 13 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 24);
 /* 14 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 26);
 /* 15 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 28);
 /* 16 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1, s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 30);
 if(*((int *)(&__gc_mzapi_seed_order__[0])) == 1)
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 0) = s_right0;
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 1) = s_right1;
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 2) = s_left0;
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 3) = s_left1;

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key)
 __t_mzapi_dword__ s_temp0, s_temp1, s_left0, s_left1, s_right0, s_right1;
 __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_dword__ *s_key;
 s_key = (__t_mzapi_dword__ *)s_round_key;
 s_left0 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 0);
 s_left1 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 1);
 s_right0 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 2);
 s_right1 = *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 3);
 if(*((int *)(&__gc_mzapi_seed_order__[0])) == 1)
#if __def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ == (16)
 /*  1 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 30);
 /*  2 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 28);
 /*  3 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 26);
 /*  4 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 24);
 /*  5 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 22);
 /*  6 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 20);
 /*  7 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 18);
 /*  8 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 16);
 /*  9 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 14);
 /* 10 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key + 12);
 /* 11 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key + 10);
 /* 12 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key +  8);
 /* 13 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key +  6);
 /* 14 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key +  4);
 /* 15 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_left0 , s_left1 , s_right0, s_right1, s_key +  2);
 /* 16 */ __mzapi_seed_round__(s_temp0, s_temp1,  s_right0, s_right1, s_left0 , s_left1 , s_key +  0);
 if(*((int *)(&__gc_mzapi_seed_order__[0])) == 1)
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 0) = s_right0;
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 1) = s_right1;
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 2) = s_left0;
 *__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_dword__ *, s_data, sizeof(__t_mzapi_dword__) * 3) = s_left1;

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key){
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_offset;
 s_offset = (__t_mzapi_size__)0;
 while((s_offset + ((__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_seed_block_size__)) <= s_size)
  (__t_mzapi_void__)mzapi_seed_encrypt_block(__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_data, s_offset), s_round_key);
  s_offset += (__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_seed_block_size__;

__t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key){
 __t_mzapi_size__ s_offset;
 s_offset = (__t_mzapi_size__)0;
 while((s_offset + ((__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_seed_block_size__)) <= s_size)
  (__t_mzapi_void__)mzapi_seed_decrypt_block(__mzapi_seed_peek__(__t_mzapi_ptr__, s_data, s_offset), s_round_key);
  s_offset += (__t_mzapi_size__)__def_mzapi_seed_block_size__;


/* vim: set expandtab: */
/* End of source */

 Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD.
 All rights reserved.
 Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
 CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fseed,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:40:43 root Exp root $"

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_header_mzseed_h__)
#define __def_mzapi_header_mzseed_h__ "mzseed.h"

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_dword__)
# define __t_mzapi_dword__ unsigned long int

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_byte__)
# define __t_mzapi_byte__ unsigned char

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_void__)
# define __t_mzapi_void__ void

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_ptr__)
# define __t_mzapi_ptr__ __t_mzapi_void__ *

#if !defined(__t_mzapi_size__)
# if defined(size_t)
#  define __t_mzapi_size__ size_t
# else
#  define __t_mzapi_size__ unsigned int
# endif

#if !defined(__mzapi_const__)
# define __mzapi_const__ const

#if !defined(__mzapi_fastcall__)
# define __mzapi_fastcall__

#if !defined(__mzapi_static__)
# define __mzapi_static__ static

#if !defined(__mzapi_export__)
# define __mzapi_export__

#if !defined(__mzapi_import__)
# define __mzapi_import__ extern

#define __def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ (16)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_round_keys__ (__def_mzapi_seed_rounds__ << 1)
#define __def_mzapi_seed_block_size__ (16)

#define __mzapi_seed_peek__(m_cast,m_base,m_offset) ((m_cast)(((__t_mzapi_byte__ *)(m_base)) + (m_offset)))

#if !defined(__def_mzapi_source_mzseed_c__)
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_round_key)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_user_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt_block)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_encrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);
__mzapi_import__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ (__mzapi_fastcall__ mzapi_seed_decrypt)(__t_mzapi_ptr__ s_data, __t_mzapi_size__ s_size, __mzapi_const__ __t_mzapi_ptr__ s_round_key);


/* vim: set expandtab: */
/* End of source */

# Copyright (C) Information Equipment co.,LTD
# All rights reserved.
# Code by JaeHyuk Cho <>
# CVSTAG="$Header: /usr/local/mutihost/joinc/modules/moniwiki/data/text/RCS/Code_2fC_2fseed,v 1.2 2010/02/06 08:40:43 root Exp root $"

# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=i386 all
# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=mips all
# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=ppc all
# bash$ make TARGET_ARCH=arm all

TARGET_ARCH                  :=i386
# TARGET_ARCH                  :=mips
# TARGET_ARCH                  :=ppc
# TARGET_ARCH                  :=arm

ifeq ($(findstring mips,$(TARGET_ARCH)),mips)
 CROSS_COMPILE               ?=/opt/kenati/bin/lx4189-uclibc-#
ifeq ($(findstring ppc,$(TARGET_ARCH)),ppc)
 CROSS_COMPILE               ?=/opt/hardhat/devkit/ppc/405/bin/ppc_405-#
ifeq ($(findstring arm,$(TARGET_ARCH)),arm)
 CROSS_COMPILE               ?=/usr/local/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-#

# default
CROSS_COMPILE                ?=#

CC                           := $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc
AR                           := $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar
RM                           := rm -f

THIS_NAME                    := mzseed

CFLAGS                       := -O2
# CFLAGS                       += -g
CFLAGS                       += -Wall
CFLAGS                       += -Werror
CFLAGS                       += -fomit-frame-pointer
CFLAGS                       += -fPIC
CFLAGS                       += -pipe
CFLAGS                       += -ansi
CFLAGS                       += -I.

LDFLAGS                      := -s#
ARFLAGS                      := rc#

TARGET_bin                   := $(THIS_NAME)
TARGET_lib                   := lib$(THIS_NAME).a lib$(THIS_NAME).so
TARGET                       := $(TARGET_bin) $(TARGET_lib)

OBJECTS_bin                  := main.o
OBJECTS_lib                  := $(THIS_NAME).o
OBJECTS                      := $(OBJECTS_bin) $(OBJECTS_lib)

.PHONY: all clean

all: $(TARGET)
clean: ; $(RM) *.o $(TARGET)

$(TARGET_bin): $(OBJECTS_bin) lib$(THIS_NAME).a ; $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(@) $(^)
$(TARGET_lib): $(OBJECTS_lib)

$(OBJECTS): Makefile mzseed.h    ; $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o $(@) $(^)
%.a:     ; $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(@) $(^)
%.o: %.c ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $(@) $(<)

# End of Makefile

